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5 Fast Growing Vegetables #vegetable_gardening

Arugula: 21 days for baby leaves
Easy to grow and quick to harvest, arugula adds a distinctive, nutty, aromatic note to salads. Also called salad rocket or roquette, arugula grows easily from seed and may be planted in window boxes or containers as well as in a garden bed. Garden centers and nurseries sometimes offer starter plants of arugula.
radish 'Cherry Belle': 22 days for ¾- to 1-inch-round red roots
Most of us are familiar with the round red radishes that are found in every supermarket. There are also larger-rooted winter radishes that ripen later and can be stored longer. For your first radish experience, plant those small round red ones they're a snap to grow.
lettuce 'Black Seeded Simpson': 28 days from seed to salad
There are two types of lettuce loose-leaf varieties and heading varieties such as the iceberg, romaine, and Boston lettuce found in supermarkets. Leaf lettuce grows as a loose clump of leaves. In head lettuce, the central leaves gather together to form compact heads. Both kinds of lettuce need similar growing conditions, but loose-leaf varieties such as 'Oak Leaf' and 'Salad Bowl' are the easiest to grow. If you're new to gardening, grow leaf lettuce.
Spinach: 35-40 days for baby leaves
Unlike many other vegetables, spinach will grow in partial shade (an area that receives direct sunlight for 3 to 6 hours a day, or lightly dappled sunlight all day) as well as in full sun.
bush beans 'Contender': 49 days for stringless, 6- to 8-inch pods
Versatile in the kitchen and easy to grow, beans belong in every garden. Try an heirloom variety or two for especially great flavor. Grow snap, or string, beans for their long, slender pods and pick them before the seeds inside mature. Other varieties are grown for the plump seeds that grow inside the pods. Some of these shell beans, such as limas, are eaten fresh, while black beans, pinto beans, navy beans, and others may be dried for long-term storage.