#Skincare : 5 TIPS FOR Oily Skin

1. Cleanse your face with a botanical oil-based face wash.
- It may sound counterintuitive but when you have oily skin, it’s important to use a botanical oil-based face wash. Many of us have been trained to shop for “oil-free” products, but more recently dermatologists have learned that it’s not necessarily the best rule of thumb to apply to every aspect of your face wash routine. So why use a botanical oil-based face wash? Cleansing botanical oils adhere to the sebum deep inside your pores and when the skin is rinsed with water both the sebum and botanical oil both get washed away!
- If you’re prone to shine, start your beauty regimen by applying a mattifying gel or lotion (primer). Make Up For Ever has a great micro-perfecting primer that feels pretty weightless and gets the job done. At night, use an alcohol-free toner after you have washed your face and before you apply your moisturizer.
- Apply a retinol exfoliate to unclog pores and limit oil production. I suggest putting this on at night since retinol makes the skin very sensitive to sun exposure. Also, because retinol is especially drying, I would recommend that you slather some Egyptian Magic on top (it’s the perfect mix).
- Since stripping the skin of it’s natural oils can encourage increased oil production, be sure to keep your routine balanced by applying a good moisturizer both morning and night. Non-comedogenic, water-based moisturizers are best for those with oily skin. (For the morning, use a moisturizer with SPF in it.)
- Last but not least, remember to drink plenty of water to keep your skin calm and properly hydrated.