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#Beauty : Remove blackheads from your skin by toothbrush and toothpaste

How To Remove blackheads from your skin by toothbrush and toothpaste

Steps : 
1-Apply an inch-sized amount of toothpaste on the toothbrush.
2-Wet the toothbrush and wet the affected area.
3-Gently with your toothbrush, scrub the affected area for a small amount of time.
Make sure you do not apply too close to the eyes, as the vapours from menthol toothpastes can irritate the eyes.
If you have nose blackheads, apply an even smaller amount of toothpaste, and keep well clear from eyes.
This method has also been known to work on spots, but is not guaranteed.
Always sterilize the toothbrush with boiling-hot water after using this method.
4-Repeat daily until the affected areas are clear.
Or you can use this masks "GLAMGLOW Super-MudTM Clearing Treatment, price $43.50" . it's Wonderful product to remove blackheads