10 Houseplants That Will Help You Plan Your Dream Indoor Jungle
1.This tableau of climbing ivy, lipstick plant, and angel wing begonia.
Scientific names: Hedera helix ‘Anita’, Aeschynanthus, and Begonia ‘Angel Wing’ (respectively). From plantingpink.
2. These gorgeous mounted staghorn ferns bringing home decor to a new level.
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3. This petite string of pearls plant and spider plant adorned with glassware.
Scientific names: Senecio rowleyanus and Chlorophytum comosum (respectively). From littleandlush.
4. This friendly fiddle-leaf fig.
Scientific name: Ficus lyrata. From eclectic.leigh.
5. This fashionable display with pops of bright color.
Pictured: Peperomia obtusifolia, Pilea peperomioides, tillandasia, echinocactus grusonii, and Gymnocalycium mihanovichii. From nininoes.
6. This Monstera deliciosa and Ficus bringing an earthy vibe to a bedroom.
From ball_and_claw_vintage.
7. This colorful prayer plant.
Scientific name: Maranta. From alphabeticalife.
8. This areca palm taking in afternoon rays.
Scientific name: Dypsis lutescens. From forage.sundry.
9. This rubber plant accentuating natural furniture.
Scientific name: Ficus elastica. From dutchlivings.
10. This clique of splattered Monsteras.
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